What is Artificial Intelligence?

January 5, 2022 0 Comments

What is Artificial Intelligence? In simple words, Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a computer system that can perform tasks that generally require the intelligence of a human being. It is a simulation of processes by machines that are ordinarily performed by human’s intellect. Artificial intelligence (AI) is the simulation of human intelligence processes by machines, especially …

How to Keep Your AWS Environment Healthy?

January 3, 2022 0 Comments

Amazon Web Services has been a promoter for solid cloud security since it started in 2006. AWS cloud environment functions on a mutual duty that conveys secure infrastructure between the supplier and client. As an open cloud seller, AWS possesses the foundation, physical system, and software responsibility. The venture possesses the remaining task at hand-working …

How various industries are using AI/ML for Predictive Analysis?

April 5, 2021 0 Comments

Predictive Analytics uses raw data, structures it with algorithms and brings accurate forecasts for better decision making. It can iron out the time-eating constraints and can deliver fruitful statistics according to the industry-specific requirement. Although almost all sectors have adopted its assistance, there are certain industries where it gets higher oomph in easing tasks. Manufacturing …

Interrelationship of DevOps and ML

April 5, 2021 0 Comments

Among the many branches of Machine Learning, one kind of ML and DevOps have infinite continuity as their main common ingredient. There is a huge co-dependency between the two. A DevOps model functions on a Continuous Integration/ Continuous Development model, i.e. development, release, feedback, improve and repeat. AI and ML also functions on continuous experimentation …